project details
Location: Piedimonte Etneo - Catania, Italy
Designer: arch. Antonino Salanitro
Construction manager: arch. Antonino Salanitro
Note: The Cathedral Church of the City of Piedimonte Etneo serves as a backdrop in the middle piedmont and position simultaneously the expressive language of urban space. The main front of the Church lacks the exuberance of the Baroque architecture eighteenth century, however, is unchanged compared to the pattern of “prospect tower” Gagliardi, filtered through the clarity, balance and clarity of the mathematical language of the nineteenth century neo-classical composition. The exterior of the monument has the strongest signs of the devastation caused by the aggression of both the time and weather, as to improper painting of architectural elements, which have unified and dispersed the intrinsic values ??and language of construction materials. Based on their findings, the restoration work carried out are the cleaning of parts in natural stone, masonry consolidation and treatment of the surfaces of the stone through protective resins, the renovation of the plaster, the flooring and the regularization of the terrace slopes the central loggia of the prospectus, the remaking of the covers and the restoration of the fixtures.
Designer: arch. Antonino Salanitro
Construction manager: arch. Antonino Salanitro
Note: The Cathedral Church of the City of Piedimonte Etneo serves as a backdrop in the middle piedmont and position simultaneously the expressive language of urban space. The main front of the Church lacks the exuberance of the Baroque architecture eighteenth century, however, is unchanged compared to the pattern of “prospect tower” Gagliardi, filtered through the clarity, balance and clarity of the mathematical language of the nineteenth century neo-classical composition. The exterior of the monument has the strongest signs of the devastation caused by the aggression of both the time and weather, as to improper painting of architectural elements, which have unified and dispersed the intrinsic values ??and language of construction materials. Based on their findings, the restoration work carried out are the cleaning of parts in natural stone, masonry consolidation and treatment of the surfaces of the stone through protective resins, the renovation of the plaster, the flooring and the regularization of the terrace slopes the central loggia of the prospectus, the remaking of the covers and the restoration of the fixtures.